2023 Marks Our 30-Year Anniversary!

We’re proud to announce that we’re celebrating 30 years of producing high-quality labels for businesses worldwide this year. Our family-owned and operated company was founded in 1993 and has since grown into a cutting-edge label manufacturer poised for continued growth.

“Our commitment to quality, every step of the way, helped us double in size over the last few years,” said PLM founder and owner Dave Carr. “We knocked on doors to find our first customers, so I’m incredibly proud of how far we’ve come.”

Progressive Label Manufacturing’s factory includes a $1.7 million state-of-the-art U.V. LED 10-color E5 Mark Andy Press. The high-tech equipment allows the company to produce a wide range of prime labels for its customers.

“We’re always looking for new technology, new equipment, and new ways to improve to give our customers the best product and service available in the market today,” said Carr. “We look forward to serving our current customers and acquiring new accounts for many more years.”

Thank you to Labels & Labeling, Flexo Market News and other outlets for sharing our anniversary news!